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28. 08. 23.
The Essence
Pavarotti Music Center
Davisi gave a presentation titled "Capturing the Essence" as a part of the lecture series that was held at the UNESCO Heritage path workshop in Mostar. This presentation was held in conjunction with her exhibition titled "the Essence," which displayed postcard-sized watercolour sketches throughout the summer of 2023.

03. 03. 20.
places unfolded
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture
Davisi explores the importance of artistic sensibility in the investigation of the urban and introduces the sketch & script as mean of knowing and the production of knowledge. Places Unfolded showcases some of the selected orihon 折本 (folding book) with her sketches and drawings from various cities.
The sketch books are displayed at the exhibition hall of the faculty of architecture, university of Ljubljana on 3rd march 2020.

28. 09. 13.
Views of Vis
Hravtski Dom, Vis island, Croatia
a series of drawings and painting of Vis, in various techniques and formats.

09. 09. 22.
impromptu in Split
Northeast Tower of Diocletian Palace
I like to conduct an impromptu exhibition of my sketchbooks as a way to communicate to students about the way how to observe and capture the urban quality. This show&tell method seems to work well for my orihon format. This impromptu was done during the workshop "more than the markets of Split".

05. 04. 17.
unfolding Navigli
Politecnico di Milano, Leonardo Campus, Milan, Italy
Davisi presented several (un)foldable sketchbooks, with drawings from the reemerging canals of Milano, Navigli, in which she beautifully combines the talent and sensibility of mature artist with keen and experienced focus and logic of an urban researcher, to activate a provocative and open-ended synthesis of both aesthetic and documentary quality. It aimed to open the spaces which she chose as special significance in the city to new readings.

15. 09. 12.
Moj Žuti Split
Northeast Tower of Diocletian Palace, Split, Croatia
a series of depiction of Split in ink on paper with the touches of yellow.

26. 08. 22.
Urban Album
Public Space Museum, Bologna, Italy
The exhibition showcases a series of Davisi Boontharm’s orihon sketchbooks, in-which she sought to capture the sense of place, the scenes of everyday, ordinary lives intertwine with extraordinary moments. Those orihon unfold, and fold back onto each other, capable to both keep the flows and to enable capturing and experiencing separate scenes.
Davisi’s sketches are essays, trials, search and work in progress. Her orihon are unfinished, destined to remain and be experienced in the unstable state of becoming. In them, there is no fear of error, they are croquis adding up to an imperfect oeuvre that reveal outlines, hint at and open up possible narratives.
As a visiting scholar/artist, for her exhibition at the Public Space Museum in Bologna Davisi has selected some of her albums that contain sketches of urban spaces that fascinated her and worth discussing. They are from the cities in which she lived, and which has visited – ranging from Tokyo and Milano, and scarcely known small towns along the Croatian’s Dalmatian coast.

16. 09. 16.
Hrvatska Dom, Vis, Croatia
inVISible, is a watercolor exploration of architectural and urban facades of Vis, an island off Croatia's Dalmatian coast, as seen from the Bay. The moment of my slow arrival to the port of Via. Both the image and imagination of Vis appear through an amalgamation of two tints: yellow and indigo. These two colors cannot be reduced to represent just sun or sea; they have the capacity to mutually enrich the intrinsic quality in each of them; they open the meaning of optimism and myth. Yellow as bright, warm and positive; indigo as cool, deep and calm. Their juxtapositions bring contrast and their bleeding combinations generate the hundreds of shades of green. The transparency and unpredictability of watercolour create shapes, traces and textures and bring to light what may be invisible in Vis, in the same way in which various spatial qualities aspects of that place can do.

09. 12. 08.
made in Harajuku
DesignFesta Gallery, Hatajuku, Tokyo
The artwork presented in "made in Harajuku" exhibition at Design Festa Gallery, Tokyo, accompanied one
phase of Davisi's research in Urahara. It paralleled traditional aspects of her investigation
and, on occasions, it fed into that other side of her work.
Art satisfies her need for subjective reflection and communication in a universal language of pictures and
sketches. It helps her express, both herself and Harajuku, in a fuller sense. And, as Harajuku is very much about image and image making, these drawings and collages seek to express that place in a series of collages, drawings and sketches.
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